IFB Księgowość


Revenue and expense ledgers

Thanks to our help, you will have full control over your finances, and you will also make it easier to keep tax records. Our team consists of experienced specialists who will make sure that keeping commercial books runs smoothly and without any problems.

Revenue and expense ledgers for small and medium enterprises

The revenue and expense ledger is a form of taxation in which the entrepreneur records all economic operations of the enterprise. This book includes revenues from business activity, purchases of commercial goods and products necessary to run a business, costs related to purchases, employees' salaries and expenses related to running a business. The book of revenues and expenses allows you to keep accounting records in a simplified form. By commissioning us to keep the KPiR, you can be safe about your accounting.

Reducing the risk of making mistakes

professional accounting services will allow you to take a breather and not worry about complicated settlements in the company.

Workload reduction

Keeping the book of revenues and expenses by an external company allows you to avoid excessive workload of internal employees.

Facilitating settlements with offices

At IFB, we know how to properly settle a company with the authorities and avoid penalties and unnecessary costs.


Run your business worry-free

Keeping a book of revenues and expenses is mandatory for people who have chosen general rules or a flat tax as a form of taxation. It is also required for general partnerships, civil natural persons and partnerships. The prerequisite is achieving net income from sales and financial operations in the previous financial year, which did not exceed EUR 2,000,000 in the Polish currency.

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and we will help you choose the best solution for your business!